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Normally, I keep pretty busy in the course of my week, in addition to working full time, I play in an orchestra twice a week, have a Monday night commitment that I’m pretty locked into, and lately, band rehearsals on Tuesdays.

So far, I have been able to manage my time and get my homework done when it is due. Well, it seems as though all my activities have come to a head this week on Tuesday. I somehow managed to triple book myself, and every event is important. I have an orchestra rehearsal from 5-6:30pm, then a lecture/school session at 6:30pm-8pm, then band rehearsal from 7:15-whenever, then another group chat at 9pm. I was not including orchestra in the “triple booking” because I think I’m going to either ditch it or leave early.

What was I thinking??? I know you’re thinking, “well, ditch the band rehearsal.” I can’t. It is our run-through for an important show on Wednesday night.

It is so funny to me that despite my efforts to write everything down in my planner and in my Google Calendar (which is a pretty neat tool… you can tell google to alert your phone via sms when you have an event) I still managed to mess up on Tuesday.

There are so many organizational programs and tools out there, like Blackberry, Outlook, and web-based applications like Google Calendar, but they are only tools. I still have to apply my organizational skills to the tools, and because my organizational skills are sometimes flawed, I will always have to fight the tendency to forget to write things down and/or forget to check the calendar before I book something else. This does NOT come naturally to me.

Whether or not the technology does help me organize my life is dependent upon how often I utilize the tools and it doesn’t always make my life easier. Whether these tools make your life easier depends on how you use them.

So. Wish me luck on Tuesday…I probably won’t cancel anything. It’s gonna be a fun night.


May 2024
